Install-fest Phase One
For the first phase of "install-fest", we'll install or verify the installation of the following tools on our machines:
- Slack
- Zoom
- Homebrew
- Xcode
- VS Code
- Git / Github / Github Enterprise
- Global Gitignore
- Spectacle
- Imgur
PLEASE NOTE: if you have a linux machine, here are some resources that might be more ideal for your computer
We'll use slack to communicate throughout the course.
By the time you are reading this, you should have received an invite to the relevant channels via e-mail.
Although you can login via the web browser, downloading / installing the app is highly recommended.
Download the Zoom client and install it.
Remember to drag the Slack app into the Applications folder when you open the downloaded archive.
Homebrew is a package manager that we will use to install various command line tools in our class.
Open up terminal, and paste the following command to install Homebrew. You might be prompted to install XCode Command Line Tools during the install process.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
If you are prompted to install the XCode CLI, say yes and your homebrew installation will continue.
After the installation process, run the command brew doctor
. If any warnings or errors are displayed, we will need to resolve them before proceeding with the rest of the install fest.
Lastly, make sure to run brew update
to make sure you have the latest lists of available software.
We do not use Xcode in class but some other applications that we do use require some Xcode libraries. Normally, all you need is the Xcode CLI which should have already been installed when you installed Homebrew. If it didn't get installed, you can use this command:
xcode-select --install
If you need to, you can install Xcode through the App Store. (You probably don't need to.) Link here
Visual Studio Code
Text editors are a personal choice. One of the most popular open source text editors these days, for good reason, is Visual Studio Code.
Note: VS Code's keyboard shortcuts are different than the shortcuts used by the Sublime or Atom editors. If you already know Sublime's shortcuts and don't want to learn those of VS Code, it's possible to configure VS Code to use Sublime's.
Download and install VS Code from
Important: Be sure that VS Code is in your Mac's Applications
Add Ability to Launch VS Code by typing code
- Launch VS Code using spotlight (
command + space
- then start typingvs c
until you see the app, then press enter). - Type
shift + command + P
to open the command palette. - Start typing
shell command
and when you theShell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH
command - click it! - Quit VS Code and Terminal.
- Relaunch Terminal
- You should now be able to open a folder to edit by typing
code .
Check this link for troubleshooting if you run into issues.
Git is the version control software we will be using - it's extremely popular.
You should have already installed Git as instructed to complete the pre-work.
If it's not installed, we can use Homebrew to install it:
brew install git
Github provides a way to host Git repos in the cloud. It enables collaboration and is wildly popular.
You should have already opened a personal Github account, however, you need to have a General Assembly Github Enterprise account as well.
You can get one by signing up here:
Configuring a Global git ignore
Everyone should have a global git ignore file so that you don’t have to worry about making the appropriate entries in a project’s git ignore.
First, create the file: touch ~/.gitignore_global
Next, configure git to use this file: git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
Finally, lets put some good stuff in there:
# This is a list of rules for ignoring files in every Git repositories on your computer.
# See
# Compiled source #
# Packages #
# it's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source
# git has its own built in compression methods
# Logs and databases #
# OS generated files #
# Testing #
# node #
# Rails #
# Ruby #
# for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
# Gemfile.lock
# .ruby-version
# .ruby-gemset
# CTags #
# Env #
# Python #
Installing Spectacle
Install Spectacle for resizing windows.
This free "productivity" tool is invaluable when it comes to minimizing the time spent sizing windows using the mouse.
Installing Imgur
Create an account on and install mac2imgur to ease uploading screenshots and other images from your computer to your imgur account.