Tamagotchi Challenge
- Understanding of how to define and access properties
- Understanding of how to define and invoke functions, including constructor functions
- Fork and clone this repository.
- Fulfill the listed requirements.
Build a Tamagotchi
What is a tamagotchi? According to wikipedia, the name is a portmanteau combining the Japanese word tamago (たまご), which means "egg", and the English word "watch". Most Tamagotchi characters' names end in tchi (っち) in Japanese, with few exceptions.
A tamagotchi has a few properties:
- name
- weight
- age
- birthday
- description
- hungerLevel
- happinessLevel
- attentionLevel
- lifeStage // Baby, Child, Teen, and Adult
A few states:
- isHungry
- wantsToPlay
- isHappy
- needsAttention
And a few behaviors:
eat() {
/* feeding should satisfy hunger, depending on what you feed it, and may increase weight
grass, meat, tofu, bread, candy, etc…
speak() {
/* what needs does your tamagotchi have? */
play() {
/* playing with your tamagotchi should increase happiness, satisfy need for attention, and may decrease weight */
tamagotchi.age // 0
tamagotchi.birthday // today's date
tamagotchi.weight // 1
tamagotchi.description // 'A <lifeStage> tamagotchi named <name> born on <birthday> weighing <weight>'
tamagotchi.speak() // 'Mesutchi is <some state>'
Continue to implement a real tamagotchi, adding the following properties and methods:
- disciplineLevel
- isDisciplined
- needsBathroom
- itPottyTrained
- isSick
- sleeping
scold() {
/* fills discipline level, reduces happiness level */
view() {
/* displays image of the tamagotchi */
What else can your tamagotchi do?
- All content is licensed under a CCBYNCSA 4.0 license.
- All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.