Dojo Fighter JS
By Alex Merced
If you get stuck at anypoint look up the Ken v Ryu videos in this playlist to give you an idea on how to approach this homework =>
- Practice Creating Classes
- Instantiating Objects
- Having Objects Interact with Each Other
Game Synopsis
Two Fighters do battle till one wins
Step 1
- Create a fighter class
- name: The fighters name
- health: represents the fighters health, they lose when this reaches, should always start at 10
- strength: represents the offensive strength of the fighter, random number between 5-10
- defense: represents the ability of the fighter to take a hit, random number between 5-10
- attack: one fighter attacks the other, the damage dealth should be the attackers strength - defenders defense. After the attack the following should be logged "|Attacker| did |x| damage to |defender| who is left with |y| health" use interpolation or concatenation. Make sure to check so you don't accidentally do negative damage.
Step 2
Create the following game logic
- Generate two fighters
Create a loop that does the following
- The Two fighters attack each other
- If one fighters life hits 0 the loop should break
- log the winner after the loop breaks