Intro to DOM Events

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Add event listeners for events such as click
  • Explore the event object
  • Explain event bubbling
  • Use event bubbling to implement event delegation


  • What are DOM events?
  • Setup
  • What's an event listener?
  • Our first event listener
  • The event object
  • Creating a new element
  • Event bubbling
  • Event delegation

Lesson Setup

  • Create a static HTML5 code sandbox called intro-to-dom-events
  • Inside of intro-to-dom-events create the following folder/file structure:
  • You can add this HTML to your .html file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>Intro to DOM Events</title>



  • Add a <script> tag to include script.js in the <head>:

      <title>Intro to DOM Events</title>
      <script defer src="./js/script.js"></script>
  • The defer attribute ensures the DOM is ready before the script executes.
  • Putting a temporary alert('js loaded) will verify script.js is being loaded.

What are DOM Events?

  • DOM events are the bedrock of interactivity on web pages.
  • DOM events enable us as developers to implement event-driven programming. This programming paradigm is such that much of our code runs in response to events being triggered during run-time.
  • Lots of events are being generated within the browser, for example, when:

    • A user moves or clicks the mouse
    • A user presses a key
    • When a form is submitted
    • When the page has finished loading or has been resized
    • etc.
  • Take a gander here at the type and sheer number of events.

What's an Event Listener?

  • An event listener is a function, more specifically, a callback function, that is called when an event fires.
  • Event listeners may also be referred to as event handlers.
  • There are three different approaches for registering event listeners:

    • In the HTML (inline): <button id="reset-btn" onclick="reset()">
    • Assigning to DOM elements' properties: resetBtn.onclick = reset;
    • Calling addEventListener() on a DOM element
    • Using the HTML approach (onclick="reset()") is typically frowned upon because it requires that the function be in the global scope. In addition, this, like inline styling, kind of breaks the separation of concerns design principle.
  • The DOM element approach (resetBtn.onclick = reset;) is better because the function does not have to be in global scope, however...
  • The addEventListener approach is widely considered to be the best practice because it has the flexibility of adding multiple listener functions!
  • Here is the common syntax for registering an event listener for a given event:
    element.addEventListener(<event-name>, <callback>, <use-capture>);

    • event-name is the name of the event (string)
    • callback is the function we want executed when the event happens. When called by the JS engine, it will be passed an event object as an argument.
    • use-capture is a boolean and is optional. It has to do with event phases. We won't need to worry about it in SEI but if you want to know more, read the Event Phases section of this article.

Our first Event Listener

  • Add the following HTML to the Project we setup:

      <li>SEIR Rocks!</li>
    <button>Add Comment</button>
  • When we click the Add Comment button, we want to create a new comment with the text entered in the input and then clear the input.
  • We can add a click event listener to pretty much any element - not just buttons. However, buttons are pre-styled to look and act clickable :)
  • We're going to use an anonymous callback function in this first example:

    const btn = document.querySelector('button');
    btn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
      // testing!
  • If all goes well, clicking the button should log out the event object.
  • Congrats, registering an event listener is that easy!

Review Questions

❓ What is the name of the method used to attach event listeners to elements?

❓ Name three events that might be triggered in the browser.

The event object

  • Examining the event object that was provided as an argument to our event listener reveals lots of useful information about the event!
  • Of special interest are:

    • Several ...X and ...Y properties that provide where the click occurred.
    • The target property, which holds a reference to the DOM element that triggered (dispatched) the event.
    • Note that JS's this keyword within the listener function will be set to the DOM element that addEventListener was called on.

Creating a new li element

  • If we want to add a new comment, we're going to need to create a new <li> element.
  • Here's how we can do it using the document.createElement method:

    btn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
      const li = document.createElement('li');

    Note: At this point, the element is "in memory" only and is not part of the DOM (yet).

Creating a new Comment

  • Okay, we have a new <li> element created and assigned to a variable named li, but it has no content.
  • We want to get whatever text the user has typed into the <input> element.
  • As an exercise, find the property that holds the content of an <input>.
  • Hint: "Select" the <input>, console.dir it out and explore!
  • When you find the property - reply to my message in slack!
  • So, now we can set the textContent of the new <li>:

    btn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
      const li = document.createElement('li');
      const inp = document.querySelector('input');
      li.textContent = inp.value;
  • Now the new <li> is ready to be added to the DOM!
  • Which element do we we want to add the <li> to?
  • There are several ways to add DOM elements to the document using JavaScript.
  • A common way to add new elements to another element is by using the appendChild method like this:

      li.textContent = inp.value;
      // new code below

    Note that the new element is appended as the last child.

  • Test it out - nice!
  • The new comment has been added, but if we want to improve the UX, we have one more task - clear out the <input>.
  • One line of code is all it takes - you got this!

Event bubbling

  • When an event occurs on an element, that event, whether it is listened to on that element or not, bubbles up through the DOM, all the way up to the document object.
  • All event listeners registered for the same event, such as click, will be invoked along the path to the document element - unless one of those listeners calls the event object's stopPropagation method.
  • Why does JS bubble up (propagate) its events?...

Event Delegation

  • Imagine a web app, like a game perhaps, with lots of elements that need to respond to a click. It's possible there could be tens, hundreds or more of these elements.
  • That would be a lot of listeners, wouldn't it - not very efficient at all.
  • Plus, every time a new element is added, the event listener would also have to be registered!
  • Event bubbling allows us to implement what's known as event delegation.
  • Event delegation allows us to register a single event listener that can respond to events triggered by any of its descendants. Much more efficient!
  • Let's register a listener (this time for kicks we'll use a named function) on the <ul> that can respond to clicks on any of its <li>s:

      .addEventListener('click', handleClick);
    function handleClick(event) {
  • Importantly, the event object's target property is set to the actual element that was clicked!
  • Not only is event delegation more efficient, by it's very design, it's dynamic - as descendants are added, they too will be listened to!
  • Without event delegation, you would have to register a listener every time a new element, such as our comment <li> is added.

Event Delegation (Practice)

  • Practice: Write the code to change the color of the text of a clicked comment.
  • Hint: DOM elements have a style property that's an object with the CSS properties (named using camel-casing), e.g.,

Removing event listeners

  • It's possible to remove an added event listener, however, only if a named function was used as the callback:

    btn.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);

    This would remove the 'click' event listener (handleClick) that was registered on the btn element like this:
    btn.addEventListener('click', handleClick);

Essential Questions

❓ What is the argument that JS passes to an event listener when it calls it?

❓ What is the name of the property on the above argument that represents the DOM element that dispatched the event?

❓ Let's say you needed to have an event listener respond to a click event on the <td>s within a <table> - would you have to add event listeners to each <td>? Support your answer.
