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Learning Objectives

  • Getting comfortable with callbacks


  • JavaScript (Functions)

Callback Drills

Follow the following steps:

  1. Create a function that takes a parameter and logs it
  2. Create a second function that logs 'hi'
  3. Invoke the first function, passing in the second function as a parameter
  4. You should see a function reference being logged
  5. Alter the first function so that it invokes its parameter
  6. If you did these steps correctly, you should get a log of 'hi'

See if you can guess what this will log:

const foo = (param, param2) => {

const bar = (param) => {

foo(bar, 'hi');

Run the code and see what happens.

See if you can guess what this will log:

const foo = (param, param2) => {
    param(param2, 'hello');

const bar = (param, param2) => {

foo(bar, 'hi');

Run the code and see what happens.

Add this function

const baz = (param) => {

and now predict what you'll get when you run this:

foo(baz, 'hello')

Electric Mixer

electric mixer

A callback is like an electric mixer attachment. A mixer attachment does something. Each attachment does something different: slice, dice, spiralize, all sorts of fancy things depending on the attachment.

The electric mixer also does something: it uses the mixer attachment.

  1. Write a function electricMixer that takes one parameter named attachment. The electricMixer function should console log "This mixer is now: " plus the return value of the attachment.
  2. Invoke electricMixer using an anonymous function as the argument. The return of the anonymous function should be a string that says: "spiralizing".
const electricMixer = (attachment) => {
  console.log("This mixer is now: " + attachment());
electricMixer(() => {
  return "spiralizing";

The callback function doesn't need to be anymous, we can give it a name and pass it as a reference:

const spiralizer = () => {
  return "spiralizing";

const slicerDicer = () => {
  return "slicin' and dicin'";

  1. Write an electricMixer function and write a new attachment for the mixer. Get your electric mixer to use the attachment.

setInterval and setTimeout

We can still provide multiple arguments to a function even if one of those arguments is a function.

Pseudocode for setInterval and setTimeout

setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
setInterval(() => {
}, 2000);

Use SetInterval to display a number that increases by 1 each second (it's a clock!)

Food for thought: Give a real world example of when you would use setTimeout or setInterval

Rep Master

Follow the following steps:

  1. Create a function called wordReverse that reverses a string.
  2. Create a function called toUpperCase that capitalizes every letter in a string.
  3. Write a function, called repMaster, that accepts two arguments, input and a function. Input should be able to be used with the function. The function used as an argument must return a string. repMaster should take the result of the string, passed as an argument to the argument function, and return this result with ' proves that I am the rep MASTER!' concatenated to it.

Expected Output:

     repMaster("Never give your heart to a blockhead", wordReverse);

"blockhead a to heart your give never proves that I am the rep MASTER!"

    repMaster("I finished this practice", toUpperCase);

"I FINISHED THIS PRACTICE proves that I am the rep MASTER!"

Hungry for More?

Javascript is a great language but it can always be improved!

  1. We need a .count method and we need you to write it! The method should take an array and count how many elements are the same in that array, returning that number. hint: remember to make an array that has duplicate elements!!
  2. Write a .unique method that creates a new array out of all the unique values in an array.