Express Lab 2

Practice the Basics of Express

Learning Objectives

  • Set up some express servers for practice
  • make some get routes
  • use url/query parameters
  • Practice setting up express applications.
  • Practice creating custom routes.
  • Practice using parameters from a request.


  • Nodejs
  • npm packages
  • Introduction to Expressjs
  • Request/response/ how the internet works basics
  • Basic understanding of routing
  • JavaScript, HTML fundamentals

Technical Requirements

  1. Must be able run without syntax errors (ok if it breaks after the user tries to do something, though do try to comment on the code that isn't working)
  2. Must get functionality required for each section working

Getting Started

Create a directory called express-lab-2 then touch a Javascript file inside of express-lab-2 called server.js.

You'll use this file to complete the exercises below:

  • Run npm init to create a package.json file.

Install express with npm i express.

🐘 Hint: You can check to make sure your installation was successful in one of the following places:

  • Your package.json file should have express listed in the dependencies.
  • You could also check in your node_modules folder to see anexpress folder.
  • Require express and set the app. (look back to the lesson notes from today if you need more help on how to do this).
  • Tell the server where to listen for requests (the port).


  1. Make a route '/greeting' that sends a generic greeting to the screen like "Hello, stranger".
  2. Give the greeting route a param /:name
  3. When hitting the route, the page should display a message such as "Hello, ", or "What's up, <name>", or "<name>! It's so great to see you!" (ex. hitting '/greeting/Jimmy-boy' should display Wow! Hello there, Jimmy-boy on the page).

🔴 Commit

"Greeting express application created."

Tip Calculator

  1. Your app should have a route of '/tip' and it should expect 2 params. One should be total and one should be tipPercentage.
  2. When hitting the route, the page should display how much your tip will be based on the total amount of the bill and the tip percentage. (ex. hitting '/tip/100/20' should display 20 on the page).

🔴 Commit

"Tip Calculator express application created."

Magic 8 Ball

  1. Create a route of '/magic' that should expect a phrase in the URL that ask the Magic 8 ball a question.
  2. So if the user hits that route and asks a question of "Will I be a Millionaire" (ex. '/magic/Will%20I%20Be%20A%20Millionaire') he should have return to him his question AND a random Magic 8 ball response (see the array below) on the screen.
  3. We can't use spaces in the url, so we use %20 to express a space in the url.
  4. So if the user hits that route and asks a question of "Will I be a Millionaire" he should get his question asked and a random Magic 8 ball quote on the screen.
  5. Send the magic 8 ball response back between html <h1> tags
  6. Use this array of Magic 8 ball responses.....
["It is certain", "It is decidedly so", "Without a doubt", "Yes definitely","You may rely on it", "As I see it yes", "Most likely", "Outlook good","Yes", "Signs point to yes", "Reply hazy try again", "Ask again later","Better not tell you now", "Cannot predict now", "Concentrate and ask again","Don't count on it", "My reply is no", "My sources say no","Outlook not so good", "Very doubtful"]

🔴 Commit

"Magic 8 Ball express application created."

Take one Down and Pass it Around

Build an express application that enables users to count down the number of bottles of beer. Don't like beer?

Pass around bottles of soda, kombucha, or milk etc.


  • mkdir pass-it-around
  • cd pass-it-around
  • npm init -y
  • build a basic express server


  • On the home page (get "/"), users should see:

    • "99 Bottles of beer on the wall"
    • a link that says "take one down, pass it around"
    • this should link to /98, where the number represents the number of bottles left.
  • When a number is given in the url (get "/:number_of_bottles"), users should see:

    • The number of bottles of beer on the wall (i.e. 98 Bottles of beer on the wall.)
    • a link to "take one down, pass it around", where the href is number of bottles in the parameter minus 1.
  • If there are 0 bottles left, do not show a link to "take one down"

    • Add a link to start over, which directs the user back to the home page.


  • You should use an anchor tag with an href to link to the next 'page'


  • Have some more fun

Update your page to be something like

99 little bugs in the code
99 little bugs
Take on down
Patch it around
127 bugs in the code

Make the bugs go down by one, but then have some sort of functionality where the bug count can randomly go up

You have a lot of freedom to make it work how you want!

Hungry for more?


Back in your main app:

  1. Add Fibonnaci as a comment in your application.
  2. Create a route 'fibonacci'
  3. This route will take one param, the number we will operate on.
  4. If the number param is not a fibonacci number, print out "I can tell this is not a fibonacci number."
  5. If the number is a Fibonacci number print out "Very good. It is Fibonacci."

🔴 Commit



Sign up for HackerRank. Solve a few of the problems (this will help get you prepared for interviews! A lot of companies use this site for pre-screening interviews.). Some companies use hackarrank as part of an interview process, so getting familiar with the interface can be a good move