Express Superheros (Index/Show)

... because Superheroes need REST Too

Learning Objectives

  • Setting up a basic express server


  • JavaScript
  • Express

Getting Started with a Basic Express App

  1. Create a new directory called "superheroes"
  2. cd into superheroes
  3. create a server.js file
  4. perform an npm init, specify server.js as your entry point
  5. install express
  6. inside server.js, require express and save it to a variable named express
  7. create a variable named app, and set it equal to express()
  8. have app listen on port 3000

    • once it's listening, log "Here to save the day..."
  9. test it by going to http://localhost:3000

Creating Routes

  1. Create a variable called superheroes and set it to [ 'Superman', 'Wonder Woman', 'Black Panther' ]
  2. Create a route to /superheroes, which will be the index

    • The route should send the entire superheroes array
  3. Create a route to /superheroes/:index, which will be the show route

    • The route should send the superhero that is at the index in the superheroes array as specified by req.params.index

Enhancing Data

  1. Change the entries in the superheroes array so that each element in the array is an object

    • E.g. Instead of 'superman' have: { name: "Superman", powers: ['flight', 'invulnerability', 'x-ray vision']}
  2. Upgrade your res.send on the show route to send the superhero name as an h1 and then the powers as li items in an ul ( hint: use string interpolation or string concatenation )
  3. Writing HTML this way is really tedious and hard to read...I wonder if we'll learn a better way to do this soon?

Add Villians!

  1. Bring in this data

     name: "Lex Luthor", 
     powers: ["super brain"]
     name: "Ares", 
     powers: ["shape shifting", "teleporting"]
      name: "Killmonger", 
      powers: ["ability to fit in Black Panther's suit", "internet agreement that he looks badass"]

  2. Render them in the index below our heros
  3. Render show routes for these guys, that have the powers listed (just like superheroes)
  4. On the show page of the superhero, show the villian's name (hint: the villians array index position matches the hero)


  • It's all just JavaScript! Do JS things to manipulate the 'data'


Let's do another rep with setting up an express server!

  1. cd back into the labs directory
  2. create a directory called friends
  3. cd into friends
  4. Create a basic express app
  5. Create a variable inside server.js that is an array of your friends
  6. Create index and show routes
  7. Enhance the data so that each friend is an object with age, location, eyeColor, hairColor attributes
  8. The index should be a name that links to the show page
  9. the show route should show all the details of your friend