New and Create Routes

Lesson Objectives

  1. Create a new route and page
  2. Add interactivity to your site with forms
  3. Create a post route
  4. Define middleware
  5. View body of a post request
  6. Redirect the user to another page

Create a new route and page

  1. Let's create a page that will allow us to create a new fruit
  2. First, we'll need a route for displaying the page in our server.js file IMPORTANT: put this above your show route, so that the show route doesn't accidentally pick up a /fruits/new request

    //put this above your show.ejs file
    app.get('/fruits/new', (req, res) => {
  3. Now lets's create the html for this page in our /views/new.ejs file

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <title>Create a new Fruit</title>
            <h1>New Fruit page</h1>

  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/fruits/new to see if it works

Add interactivity to your site with forms

We can use forms to allow the user to enter their own data:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Create a new Fruit</title>
        <h1>New Fruit page</h1>
        <!--  NOTE: action will be the route, method will be the HTTP verb-->
        <form action="/fruits" method="POST">
            Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br/>
            Color: <input type="text" name="color" /><br/>
            Is Ready To Eat: <input type="checkbox" name="readyToEat" /><br/>
            <input type="submit" value="Create Fruit"/>

NOTE: the form element has an action and a method attribute. We get these values from our RESTful routes table. We'll need this info for the next step too.

Create a post route

Since the form in the last step tells the browser to create a POST request to /fruits, we'll need to set up a route handler for this kind of request'/fruits', (req, res) => {

Define middleware

We can have a function execute for all routes:

app.use((req, res, next) => {
    console.log('I run for all routes');
  • This is called 'middleware'
  • It runs in the middle of the request response cycle (in the middle)

    • sometime after the request is received, but before the final route handler is called
  • Be sure to put middleware at the top of your server.js file, so that other routes don't handle the request and send the response before the middleware can be executed
  • Most of the time, you won't write your own middleware, but a lot of plugins and extended functionality of express exist as middleware

View body of a post request

  1. The POST request to our sever has data in it (name, color, readyToEat, etc).
  2. We can easily access this data with a middleware function
  3. Tell express to use the middleware

    //near the top, around other app.use() calls
    app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended:false }));

  1. Now, inside the POST to /fruits route handler, we can do the following:'/fruits', (req, res) => {
        res.send('data received');
  2. Push this data into our fruits array:'/fruits', (req, res) => {
        if(req.body.readyToEat === 'on'){ //if checked, req.body.readyToEat is set to 'on'
            req.body.readyToEat = true; //do some data correction
        } else { //if not checked, req.body.readyToEat is undefined
            req.body.readyToEat = false; //do some data correction
        res.send('data received');

Redirect the user to another page

  • The data has been added to our fruits array
  • Let's send the user back to the fruits index page upon completion'/fruits', (req, res) => {
    if(req.body.readyToEat === 'on'){ //if checked, req.body.readyToEat is set to 'on'
        req.body.readyToEat = true;
    } else { //if not checked, req.body.readyToEat is undefined
        req.body.readyToEat = false;
    res.redirect('/fruits'); //send the user back to /fruits

Put a link in the index page going to the new page

    <a href="/fruits/new">Create a New Fruit</a>