Exobiology I

En route to Starbase Regula I on a routine mission, your starship encounters a previously uncharted planet in the Mutara Nebula. A science team is dispatched to the surface to catalogue the flora and fauna of the planet. You will be creating an express app for the uncharted planet.

Learning Objectives

  • Full CRUD App


  • JavaScript
  • Node / Express

Getting Started

  1. Create a project folder: mkdir uncharted-planet
  2. cd uncharted-planet
  3. Create a new express app

    • npm init
    • touch server.js
    • what other steps are there to setting up an express app?

New Route

Now that the planet is made, our starship can land! Let's make the planet inhabitable by creating a new route.

  1. Make a new route in your server.js and test that it's working correctly by having it res.send('this is the new route')
  2. Make a views directory and touch views/new.ejs (NOTE: don't forget to npm i ejs!
  3. In the ejs file, make a form with inputs

    • You will be creating the scientists that come to explore the planet, so include inputs for: name and description
  4. Back in your server file, update your new route so that it renders the new view page we just created

Create Route

Great, the planet is now inhabitable! Let's start sending the scientists in by making a create route.

  1. Make a create route in your server.js
  2. Remember to set up the body-parser middleware ... i.e. app.use(express.urlencoded(..
  3. Check to make sure your create route is working correctly and connected to your new form we made above by using res.send(req.body)
  4. Once you're sure the create route is working, update your route so that the newly created data is being saved somewhere
  5. Now, let's inhabit the planet! Create 5 scientists!

    • For example, you can make a scientist with the name Xxylox that has a description of A spiky armadillo-like creature that wants to snuggle you with its spikes

Index Route

Now that the planet is inhabited, we should keep a directory of all the inhabitants. Let's create an index page

  1. Create an index route in your server.js and test that the route is correct by res.send('index')
  2. Create an index.ejs file and upgrade your index route so that it renders this file
  3. Upgrade your index route and index.ejs files so that it displays all the scientists in your database

Delete Route

Uh oh! It turns out that the planet can't handle much and it's quickly reached capacity! We have to send some scientists away by creating a delete route.

  1. In your index.ejs add a delete form onto all the scientists
  2. Don't forget to install and configure method-override
  3. Create a delete route in your server.js
  4. Make sure the delete route deletes just the one specified object/scientist, then redirects to the index page

Hungry for More?

RUN! Your team has been ambushed by pirates intent on stealing your data! Quick, delete the "database" so they don't get their hands on it!

  1. Using a delete route, wire up a button that deletes all data at once!

Hungrier for Even More

  1. Create a show page/route for each scientist and link to them from the index page
  2. Create categories for the different types of life. For example, store "Plants" and beneath that, "Flowers", and then individual entries.
  3. Add a "verified" flag to certain entries and prevent them from being deleted. After all, as a senior Exobiologist you know what you're looking at!