Exobiology II

The previous planet got raided by pirates and our scientists have sucessfully escaped! They are, understandably, a bit shaken. So we have a new batch of scientists that are coming in to take their place and continue the planetary survey while they recoup!

Learning Objectives

  • Full CRUD App


  • Javascript
  • Node / Express

Getting Started

  1. You'll be working in the same uncharted_planet folder
  2. If you didn't finish the morning lab, go back and finish that first!
  3. If you didn't attempt to delete the entire database, delete all the scientists now
  4. Then create 5 new scientists

Edit Route

Our five new scientists have been doing well, but it seems the previous five are ready to jump back into action! Let's expand the morning's app so that we can just update the scientists.

  1. Create an edit route in your server.js
  2. Create an edit.ejs file and fill it with a form to edit data
  3. Add a link to the edit route on your index.ejs onto all the scientists

Put Route

  1. Create a put route in your server.js
  2. Make sure the form in your edit.ejs file has the appropriate method and action
  3. Make it so that after updating the data, the route also redirects to the index page
  4. Update your 5 scientists!

Hungry for More

  1. If you didn't do this morning's hungry for more options, do those first then continue below
  2. The show pages of each scientist should have a link to the edit page
  3. The edit page should have a delete button which will delete the specified item
  4. If you didn't this morning, create categories for the different types of life. For example, store "Plants" and beneath that, "Flowers", and then individual entries. Then be able to edit the names of the categories
  5. Create a copy button that duplicates an entry and then goes directly to the edit page
  6. Enter images for each item and display them on the homepage. (Hint: you can use static assets.)

Hungrier for Even More

  1. Use taxonomic rank to order your items in a drill-down manner. Be sure your data objects reflects this hierarchically.