Create an Atlas Hosted MongoDB


While developing an application that requires a MongoDB it makes sense to set up and connect to a hosted MongoDB sooner, rather than later. Although we could technically set up a locally-hosted MongoDB server on our compute, starting with the cloud-hosted ensures that any data, users, etc., created will be there upon deployment.

The most popular service for hosting MongoDB databases, not surprisingly, is MongoDB's own Atlas.

Create an Atlas Account

First you will need to signup for a free account here:

Create a New Cluster

Once logged in, Atlas will request that you create a cluster.

Atlas allows one free cluster per account.

A cluster can contain multiple MongoDB databases - which Atlas refers to as namespaces.

Be sure to select the Cloud Provider & Region nearest to you that shows a FREE TIER AVAILABLE:

Next, in the Cluster Tier section, select the M0 Sandbox tier:

Finally, you can optionally change the name of the cluster, then click the Create Cluster button:

It may take several minutes for Atlas to build your cluster.

Add a User for the Cluster

Each cluster must have a user created whose credentials will be provided in the database connection string when connecting to a database.

First click the Security tab:

Click the + ADD NEW USER button, then enter a username, password, select the Read and write to any database option, then click the Add User button:

Update the Whitelisted IPs

Atlas has a security feature that allows the databases to be accessed by whitelisted (approved) IP addresses only.

However, you must whitelist all IPs to ease development and deployment of your application.

While still in the Security tab, click IP Whitelist, then click the + ADD IP ADDRESS button.

In the dialog, first click ALLOW ACCESS FROM ANYWHERE then click the Confirm button:

Obtain the Connection String

To obtain the connection string for your .env file, first click the CONNECT button:

Select the Connect Your Application option:

Next, ensure that the Node.js driver and latest version is selected. Then click the Copy button to add the connection string to your clipboard:

Use the Connection String in Your App

You can now paste the connection string in the app's .env file, assigning it to a DATABASE_URL environment variable:


You're almost done, but you need to update the connection string as follows:

  1. Replace <password> with the password of the database user you created earlier.
  2. IMPORTANT The connection string by default connects to a namespace (database) named admin ( However, the admin namespace must be updated to your preferred namespace (database) name. For example, "movies" (

You're good to go!

Connecting with Mongoose

Here's the latest options to include to get rid of the deprecation warnings:

mongoose.connect(process.env.DATABASE_URL, {
  useNewUrlParser: true,
  useUnifiedTopology: true,
  useCreateIndex: true

Viewing & Editing Data

FYI, you can use the Atlas app to view and edit data by clicking on the COLLECTIONS button.