React Fundamentals
Week 13
Day 1
- Intro to Props
Day 2
- Intro to State
Day 3
- Forms in React - Controlled & Uncontrolled
Week 14
Day 1
- The useEffect Hook and Fetch
Day 2
- React Router
Day 3
- All Day React + Express Lab
Week 15
Day 1
- Creating a JSON API in Express
Day 2
- Build Part #1 - Express API
Day 3
- Build Part #2 - React App index and create
Week 16
Day 1
- Build Part #3 - React App show, update and delete
Day 2
- Recoil and React-Request
Day 3
- Group Work + Bonus React Topics
Week 17
Day 1
- Bookmark'd Work Time
Day 3
- Project Approvals & Bookmark'd Presentations
Project Week
Day 1
- Week 18
Day 2
- Week 18