Lab & Homework

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Build a bookmark app that lets you add a title and a link to helpful websites in your coding journey.

Learning Objectives

  • Full CRUD app with React


  • JavaScript
  • Express / Node
  • Mongo / Mongoose
  • React


You will be building an app that lets you add a title and a link to helpful websites in your coding journey. When you click on a title, it should take you to the linked website.

  • GOTCHA - when testing your app out, note that your links must start with http or https or else it will error!


Fun Fact: This homework was inspired by a coding challenge used during a company's hiring process. So, treat it like you're trying to get that job!


Listed below is the basic required functionality that your Bookmark'd app should have. Some of the user stories are purposefully ambiguous to allow you to ‘solve’ the problems in a way that is intuitive and makes sense to you, as opposed to just checking off specific steps from homework. In addition, remember this is a Lab and Homework!

Express API

  • You should have a model for bookmarks that has the following schema:

    title: string
    url: string
  • You should have routes for...

    • Index: Getting all bookmarks
    • Create: Posting a new bookmark
    • Delete: Deleting a bookmark
    • Update: Updating a bookmark

React Frontend User Stories

  • As a user, I can see a list of all my bookmarks when I visit the page
  • As a user, I can click on one of my bookmarks and have it take me to the linked website
  • As a user, I can create a new bookmark and see that it immediately loads on the page so that I know I successfully added a bookmark

    • Bonus: As a user, when I create a new bookmark, the form should clear after I submit
  • As a user, I can delete a bookmark so I can keep my list relevant
  • As a user, I can update a bookmark in case I made a typo or the URL changed
  • Bonus: As a user, I can sort my bookmark by alphabetical order (hint: look into React filters)


  • Give your app at least a little bit of styling! How it looks is up to you.

:red_circle: Remember to commit often! Because your workflow & the way you decide to tackle finishing this app is up to you, it's also up to you what you commit!

Need Some Guidance?

While we suggest just trying to build off the user stories and specifications given above, it can be hard to know where to get started! So provided below are some slightly more guided steps to get you started.

Start with the back end
  • Create an express app

    • what npm packages do you need? Now that we are not using sever side templating, are there npm packages that we don't need?
  • Connect it to mongo with mongoose
  • Create a schema that has the following

    title: string
    url: string ( remember: the links must start with http/https )
  • Create the routes (full CRUD)
  • Test the routes using Postman (or Windows equivalent or using cURL)

Move on to the front end
  • Your front end should display:

    • An index of a clickable list of the title of each bookmark that takes you to the url of your bookmark
    • A way to delete a bookmark
    • A way to update a bookmark
    • A working form to add a new record to the database.

      • When the data is submitted and processed, the page should immediately reflect the changes
  • Getting started:

    • Use create-react-app to generate a React App
    • Type out your React Component Architecture
    • Plan what state you have and where it will exist
    • Plan what props components will receive
    • Then execute

Steps for Starting your group project

One member of the group should be the "Repo Owner who'll set up the basic repos for the rest of the team to clone.

Setting up backend app (repo owner)

  • create new folder
  • initiate new node project npm init -y
  • install dependencies
  • setup server.js with a basic hello world route
  • commit and push to it's own repo
  • deploy to heroku so that's out of the way
  • branch off master/main making a new branch called dev, push that branch up to github
  • add the other team members as collaborators to the repo (under settings)

Setting up backend app (other team members)

  • clone the backend repo
  • switch to the dev branch

Setting up frontend app (repo owner)

  • create a new react app with CRA or Vite
  • install any other dependencies like router you may need
  • setup router (router component in index.js)
  • git add, commit and push to its own github repo, separate from your backend repo
  • deploy to netlify so it's out of the way
  • make a new dev branch and push up to github
  • add other team members as collaborators to repo

Setting up frontend app (other team members)

  • clone the frontend repo
  • switch to dev branch

Planning (Must be done to get project approval)

  • backend should include list of dependencies, models, backend route table
  • frontend should include react router route table, list of components, sketch of intended component tree
  • create a scrum board with either Trello, Notion, Airtable, etc. and list out all tickets to build app
  • show your squad lead the trello board and readmes to get project approval to begin developing

Ticket Workflow

  • team member takes a task from the scrum board ("a ticket") and should then make a branch (example: feature/connection)
  • complete their code on that branch, when complete push the branch up to github
  • then a pull request should be made with the branch as the head and the dev branch as the base. (dev <= feature/connection)
  • someone else on the team should review the pull request and then approve it merging into dev
  • everyone should stop, switch back to dev, pull down the updates git pull origin dev then switch back to their branch and merge the updates from dev into the branch they are working from. git merge dev
  • making sure that your keeping your branch up to date with changes from dev will keep merge conflicts to a minimum
  • periodically make a pull request from dev => master/main to update the deployment

Submission Guidelines

This is a homework, due before class on Tuesday at 9 AM. Each Group will present their project Tuesday morning leading into Unit Project 3.

- In this project you are building

  • A full CRUD express API for bookmarks
  • A single-page-app built with React with the ability to create new bookmarks
  • Adding onto your React SPA the ability to see all bookmarks, delete a bookmark, and edit a bookmark
  • Adding some styling!

Hungry For More?

  • Make a searchbox that will filter the bookmark titles
  • Watch this video on making a search box (the final code is at around 3:32 - 3:40, skip to that if you like):
  • Add an array of tags to the schema so you can organize your bookmarks by tags
  • As a user, I should not be able to add a duplicate bookmark so I can keep my list clean
  • Add some authorization to your app. Some possible user stories you can try:

    • As a user, I can only use the app if I am logged in
    • As a user, I can see everyone's bookmarks
    • As a user, I can only update/delete my own bookmarks
  • As always, try to add some CSS! Give your app some style!

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