SEIR 7/27/2021 - "Ringo"

Ringo Starr

This website contains assignments and materials for General Assembly's SEIR Program.

Scroll down to access curriculum content ↓

Orientation Repository

Here you'll find

  • Video on your day to day tools (Git, VSCode, Bash)
  • Bonus Lessons on Different Languages, Frameworks and more
  • Cheatsheets for quick reference on course content
  • Student Handbook
  • Much more!

Orientation Repo

Curriculum Overview

All material is subject to change at Instructors discretion.

Click on Unit Heading to Access Content 🔍

Unit Projects

Unit Project Requirements
1 Project 1 Requirements and Guide
1 Optional Trivia Game Track for Project 1
2 Project 2 Requirements and Guide

Unit One: Frontend Fundamentals

Week Topics
1 Intro to Javascript, Git and Terminal
2 Arrays, Objects & Classes
3 The DOM & Jquery
4 Responsive Design & Callbacks
6 Project Week

Unit Two: Full Stack Development

Week Topics
7 Intro to Full-Stack Development, Express & Node
8 MVC and REST, New & Create, Update & Delete
9 Intro to MongoDB & Mongoose
10 MVC with Express and Mongo
11 Topic
12 Project Week, Intro to React

Unit Three: React Fundamentals

Week Topics
12 Intro to React
13 Props/State
14 Fetch, React Router
15 React Forms, Making an API with express
16 Full Stack Build wit React/Express
17 Group Git, React Recoil
18 Project Week

Unit Four: Second Language

Week Topics
19 Unt 3 Presentations, Intro to Ruby
20 SQL, Intro to Rails
21 Rails Controllers, Scaffold & Deploy, start frontend
22 Finish frontend, announce Project 4, Capstone, and Portfolio Requirements
23 Project Week

Unit Five: Capstone Essentials

Week Topics
24 Self Directed Learning, Review & Capstone Project
25 Final Prep of Capstone Project and Graduation 🥳 🎉